Over the last 14 years KL Magazine has become part of the community, promoting everything that's good and great about life in West and North Norfolk. Every issue highlights why this is such a great place to live, to visit and to do business.
Back in the summer of 2010 we had an idea. We wanted to produce a high quality magazine that raised the profile of West and North Norfolk - its incredible history, its unique heritage, its vibrant cultural scene, its outstanding food and drink offering and its forward-thinking business community.
From the very first issue, that idea proved hugely successful. KL Magazine helped local residents appreciate and become proud of their home, and it introduced visitors to the many wonders of the area.
The idea was so successful that over the last few years KL Magazine has produced a number of special editions dedicated to the local construction and hospitality industries.
KL Magazine has always been produced by a small, close-knit and totally independent team of talented individuals who love living and working in Norfolk.
Our experienced writers, brilliant designers and amazing photographers don't just celebrate West and North Norfolk - they actively promote it.
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